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Bermad - Model FP 60F-250 - Fire Line Basket Strainer with Flushing Drain

Brand: Bermad
Category: Control Valves, Fire Protection Series
Size Range:




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Product Description

The BERMAD FP-60F-250 Basket Strainers are intended to be installed in fire protection pipelines primarily to prevent the clogging of fire sprinkler nozzles and other debris-sensitive components in water or foam fire systems. The BERMAD FP-60F-250 is designed for in-line maintenance available with a large diameter flushing outlet for easy screen cleaning and simple screen basket extraction, requiring only cover removal. The ratio of the FP-60F-250 strainer’s basket screen area to the inlet pipe area is more than 10:1, ensuring continued system performance, a low-pressure drop, and longer intervals between cleaning. NFPA 11, 13, 15, and 16 standards state that listed strainers shall be provided in the main pipeline of all systems using nozzles where the water is likely to contain obstructive material.

Features and Benefits

  • UL-listed and ULC size for Fire systems
  • Low-pressure drop – Safety and reliability, ensure firewater availability
  • Easy in-line maintenance – Large diameter flushing port for fast and easy interim cleaning
  • Suitable to prevent clogging – Designed to trap particles larger than 3.2 mm / 1/8" in diameter.
  • Large screen basket – Large basket area, Increasing system reliability and safety
  • Compatible for use with corrosive fluids and harsh environments – High Build Epoxy coated body/cover and stainless steel 316 screen
  • Suitable for Foam Systems – For use with foam proportioner or foam generators in compliance with NFPA 11 requirements
  • Suitable for potable or municipal potable water – For use with a firewater supply combination


  • UL-Listed 3" through to 16" Strainers, Pipeline (HLCV)
  • ULC Certified for Canada 3" through to 16" Strainers, Pipeline (HLCV7)

Typical Applications

  • Water spray systems
  • Deluge systems
  • Fire monitors
  • Automatic sprinkler systems
  • Foam proportioner/generator provided in the water line
  • Upstream of Pressure Control valves
  • Upstream of Sensitive System Devices

Technical Data

Available sizes UL-Listed: 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16"

Other available sizes, w/o flushing port: 18, 20 and 24"

End connections standard: ANSI B16.42 #150RF

UL-Listed pressure rating: 250 psi (17.2 bar)

Design pressure: 300 psi (20.7 bar)

Pressure drop: 3 psi at 15 ft/sec (0.2 bar at 4.57 m/sec) approx. with a clean screen, see also note 3

Temperature rating: 90˚C / 194˚F

Max allowable differential pressure:

7 psi / 0.5 bar (note 3)

Screen hole diameter: 1/8 inch (3.2 mm)

Basket screen area to pipe cross-sectional area ratio: 10:1 (min)

Basket screen free flow area to basket screen area: 40% (min)

Flushing/Blow-Off port diameter:

3" & 4" strainers 2" Threaded,

6" to 12" strainers 3" #150 Flange,

14" strainer 4" #150 Flange

16" strainer 6" #150 Flange

Construction Materials

Bermad - 60F-250 - Construction Materials

* Coating: High Build Fusion Bonded Epoxy RAL 3002, internal and external.

Bermad - 60F-250 - Construction Materials - Image

Sizes: 3 to 12 Inches - Horizontal Installation & Sizes: 14 to 16 Inches - Vertical Installation

Flow Chart

Bermad - FP-60F-250 -  Flow Chart

Flow Properties

Bermad - FP-60F-250 -  Flow Properties


(1) Flow coefficient Kv: flow in m³/h at 1 bar differential pressure, Cv: flow in gpm at 1 psi differential pressure; The pressure loss calculation formula: Δp = SG (Q/ Cv or Kv)2

(2) Leq: Equivalent pipe length for turbulent flow in clean commercial steel pipe (SCH 40)

(3) Max allowable pressure drop: 7 psi (0.5 bar) across the strainer. Make sure that the strainer is sized so that the pressure drop at the designed flow rate, when the strainer is clean, is well below 7 psi (0.5 bar).

Design Engineer Guide

The BERMAD FP-60F-250 Basket strainers are for use in firewater supply and are capable of preventing the entrance of solids that might block or clog fire protection nozzles or other sensitive devices.

Install the FP-60F-250 strainer upstream of the sprinkler valve, deluge valve, pressure control valve, or any other debris-sensitive system device.

The Strainer must be located where there is adequate clearance for the removal of the basket screen assembly to enable easy extraction and inspection of the strainer basket.

Install the strainer such that there will be adequate drainage for the release of water when opening the strainer for service and for the dirty water exhausted during the cleaning of the strainer screen using the flushing valve.

The flushing drain connection should be typically fitted with an appropriately sized normally closed valve and drain piping. Where a flushing valve is to be employed, the FP-60F-250 Basket Strainer sizes 3" to 12" are recommended to be installed in a horizontal position with the strainer cover and flushing valve to the side. To facilitate flushing for 14" and 16" sizes installation is recommended to be vertical.

The strainers shall be installed and maintained in compliance with the NFPA-25 standard in addition to the instructions given by the authorities having jurisdiction.

The NFPA-11 standard requires that a listed strainer with a screen area to pipe cross section area ratio of 10:1 shall be used with foam proportioners or foam generators, and should be installed in the water pipeline upstream of the water control valve.

The NFPA 13, 15, and 16 standards stipulate that a Listed Strainer shall be provided in the main pipeline of all systems utilizing nozzles with waterways less than 3⁄8" (9.5 mm) and for any system where the water is likely to contain obstructive material. Strainers shall be capable of removing from the water all solids of sufficient size to obstruct the nozzles.

Bermad - 60F-250 - Cross Section

Engineer Specifications

The Fire Line Strainer shall be a basket-type strainer UL listed.

The strainer shall have high flow capacity and low-pressure loss.

The strainer shall include a flushing valve capable of quickly and efficiently cleaning the strainer screen without removing the strainer cover, or closing system pressure.

The strainer body and cover shall be ductile iron ASTM A536 65-45-12 with anti-corrosion Fusion Bonded High Build Epoxy RAL 3002 coating internally and externally, all other wetted parts shall be stainless steel 316.

The strainer topcoat shall be suitable for potable water supply and certified by NSF, WRAS, and DVGW. The screen shall be inline removable basket type, made of stainless steel 316 with screen holes diameter of 3.2 mm (1/8"), meeting the requirements of the NFPA codes and standards. The Strainer basket screen area shall be at least 10:1 compared to the cross-sectional area of the pipeline.

Strainer maintenance, inspection, or service shall be carried out in line and without disassembly of the strainer body from the pipeline. The Strainer shall be supplied pre-assembled with stainless steel bolting and hydraulically tested by a factory certified by the ISO-9001 standard


The following inspection procedure must be performed as indicated, in addition to specific requirements of any applicable standards. Any damage or performance deficiency must be immediately corrected.

The fire system shall be inspected, tested, and maintained by qualified service personnel in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes.

Preventative Maintenance

The frequency of inspection is dependent on the quality of the firewater, even so, it is recommended that the strainer's basket screen be removed and cleaned at least annually in addition to flushing after each operation or system flow test.

For the model FP-60F-DV that includes a flushing drain valve, strainer cover removal for cleaning may be avoided when a differential pressure gauge/transmitter across the strainer is provided. This device will indicate if the pressure differential is satisfactorily below the maximum allowable 7 psi (0.5 bar) across the strainer screen at the maximum system flow rate. If so, this shows that the screen is not dangerously blocked and a flush cleaning with the drain valve should prove sufficient. However, it is recommended to remove the strainer cover at least annually for inspection.

Inspection and Cleaning

Verify that the strainer is depressurized and drained before the disassembly of any strainer component. The strainer basket screen should be cleaned after each system operation or flow test and during routine inspections, as follows:

For strainers fitted with a flushing valve:

  1. Fully open the flushing drain valve for at least 5 seconds or until the flushed water becomes visibly clear.
  2. Close the flushing valve tight.

For periodic inspection and cleaning of screens for strainers without a flushing valve:

  1. The system must be shut down and completely drained.
  2. Remove the strainer cover and the basket screen.
  3. Clean out the basket screen, as well as the interior of the strainer body.
  4. Reinstall the basket screen, and make sure that the basket is fully inserted into the strainer body and is correctly orientated.
  5. Inspect the gasket O-ring and replace it if needed.
  6. Reinstall the strainer cover, and gradually cross-tighten diametrically and sequentially all bolts so as to apply a uniform load for the cover seal.

Technical Specifications

Dimensions and Weights

Sizes: 3" through to 12"

Bermad - FP-60F-250 - Dimensions and weights 1

Sizes: 14" and 16" with side flushing port

Bermad - FP-60F-250 - Dimensions and weights 2
Bermad - FP-60F-250 - Dimensions and weights 3

* For 3 & 4" strainers the dimension includes a 90º angle spout, for 6" to 16" the dimension is for the flushing valve only

Typical Installation

Bermad - FP-60F-250 -  Automatic Pressure Control Valves

The BERMAD FP-60F-250 strainer is ideal to be installed upstream of the BERMAD Pressure Control Valve, preventing the fouling of valve sealing surfaces and keeping the waterways clear from obstructions.

Bermad - FP-60F-250 -  Deluge Sprinkler System

The BERMAD FP-60F-250 strainer should be installed upstream of the Deluge, Foam system, or Automatic Sprinkler system, preventing debris particles from clogging the nozzles and other sensitive devices.

Due to the wide range of options and criteria for correct model selection, pricing and configuration are available on application only.

Please contact us for more information.

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